Saint Bernard on the Circumcision of Christ

If you’re uncomfortable with the theology of circumcision, don’t read this post…

Mystics sometimes speak of the circumcision of Christ as the downpayment of the blood that Christ would offer upon the cross. It is the Little Passion of the Christ Child. Below is a beautiful meditation on the circumcision of Christ by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.

Christ was circumcised on the eighth day. Eight days after December 25 is January 1

Saint Bernard:

It is no wonder that it should be at His circumcision that the Name of Jesus (which is, being interpreted, Saviour,) is given to the Child Who is born unto us, for it was then that He for the first time shed that sinless Blood Which is the mean whereby He hath chosen to work out our salvation. It is no matter for the speculation of Christians why the Lord Christ was pleased to be circumcised.

He was circumcised for the same reason for which He was born, and for which He suffered. Neither one nor the other was for Himself, but all for the sake of the elect. He was not born in sin; He was not circumcised to separate Him from sin; neither did He die for sins of His own, but for ours. Which was so named of the Angel before He was conceived in the womb. The Angel indeed gave Him that title of Saviour, but not for the first time. Saviour is His Name from everlasting; He hath it of His own proper nature to save. This title He hath in Himself, not by the gift of anything that He hath made, be it man or Angel.

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